Don't be afraid of being different. Be afraid of being like everyone else.
I am not a traditional talk therapist. I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, specializing in working with anxiety, PTSD, developmental trauma, shock trauma and shame.
I used to suffer from developmental trauma, social anxiety, self-sabotage, self-loathing, shame, low self-esteem, depression, habitual re-enactments, and then came the 7-10 full-blown panic attacks every day, following a catastrophic car wreck. After three sessions with a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, my panic attacks stopped and I entered the three year training program to become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner two weeks later.
Since 2004, twenty-six of my clients have become practitioners, as well. That is a true testament to the power and efficacy of this work.
For my own personal growth and my desire to be more effective with my clientele, I have completed a 7-module training on Healing Shame with Bret Lyons, SEP, and Sheila Rubin, MA, LMFT, RDT/BCT, in Berkeley, CA. I am now certified in the Lyon/ Rubin Method for Healing Shame and have assisted them in trainings. I’ve also taken extensive training in the study of developmental trauma.
I am so grateful to be in a position to help other trauma survivors. I specialize in working with both developmental traumas (birth traumas, shame, abuse and neglect, attachment/detachment issues, etc.) and shock traumas (divorce, loss, falls, car wrecks, medical procedures, acts of violence, rape, torture, near death experiences, etc).