Don't be afraid of being different. Be afraid of being like everyone else.

I am not a traditional talk therapist. I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, specializing in working with anxiety, PTSD, developmental trauma, shock trauma and shame.

I used to suffer from developmental trauma, social anxiety, self-sabotage, self-loathing, shame, low self-esteem, depression, habitual re-enactments, and then came the 7-10 full-blown panic attacks every day, following a catastrophic car wreck. After three sessions with a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, my panic attacks stopped and I entered the three year training program to become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner two weeks later.

Since 2004, twenty-six of my clients have become practitioners, as well. That is a true testament to the power and efficacy of this work.

For my own personal growth and my desire to be more effective with my clientele, I have completed a 7-module training on Healing Shame with Bret Lyons, SEP, and Sheila Rubin, MA, LMFT, RDT/BCT, in Berkeley, CA. I am now certified in the Lyon/ Rubin Method for Healing Shame and have assisted them in trainings. I’ve also taken extensive training in the study of developmental trauma.

I am so grateful to be in a position to help other trauma survivors. I specialize in working with both developmental traumas (birth traumas, shame, abuse and neglect, attachment/detachment issues, etc.) and shock traumas (divorce, loss, falls, car wrecks, medical procedures, acts of violence, rape, torture, near death experiences, etc).

A. MacClean

First session and it was very encouraging. About thirty minutes after the session I felt a release of pressure and some positive memories appeared that were previously blocked. Comforting to know that the procedure can be gentle. I had the reassuring feeling that Brian was kind and trustworthy which allowed me to share the experiences that I would otherwise have kept bottled up.

Shannon C.

A phenomenal hour. My initial consultation with Brian was a lot more than I expected. I came into the session feeling anxious and listless and left with a clear head and energized. Plus, Brian gave me a one-minute exercise that I use several times a day to get me out of my head and feel present. I can't believe the effect just one session has had on me and, of course, am looking forward to many more. Feeling very fortunate to have found Brian.

Wayne M.

Brian and somatic experiencing are a powerful combination. Working with Brian has shifted a lot of things in my life for the better. It's not easy or lazy work, but well worth it... especially if you've tried other types of therapy and haven't found real change I highly recommend Somatic Experiencing work for resolving past trauma. He's both a caring, talented, and compassionate therapist and friend in the journey.

Leela R.

Working with Brian has been utterly life-changing. In a few months, I experienced a profound transformation from being anxious and depressed to feeling free, unburdened from the heavyweight of my thoughts, and, most importantly, excited about life! The best part about getting well is the new opportunities that have suddenly opened up, and that broken relationships have mended, without any effort from me. The work was intense but it's been an incredible journey that I’ll never forget.

Rebecca J.

The best hour of my week. My work with Brian is always a joy. We seem to accomplish wonderful things in short order. Magically, fixing one issue generalizes across contexts and fixes other things we did not work on!!! I can't say enough positive things about Brian and Somatic Experiencing.

Wendy K.

Begin Healing